Okay.. So I told you I would get behind :) I am supposed to be on day 4.. But here goes with day 2!
Dear Crush,
Well you are a little more than my crush. You are my best friend, my lover, and my one and only. I am a little peeved with you right now, and you know why. But I am going to leave it at that. Except next time I ask you to not do something and I tell you that something is not a good idea....... LISTEN TO ME! I am a smart well rounded girl who has my bearings in life. I know smart from stupid so yea, listen to me! Ugh I am so mad at you right now. I dont even know if mad is the right word. I am upset. I am hurt. I want to cry and scream at you. I want to hold you and hug you and smack you for being such a dumb ass. Why. Why did you have to go and do something so stupid! Everything was perfect. We were perfect, your job was perfect, you were coming home even! Idk babe. And ugh now your telling me that you want to break up. BULL SHIT! O my goodness. Just own up to your mistake and deal with it. Who cares! Ugh I want to strangle you sometimes!
No matter how stubborn or thick headed you are, I don't care. that is one of the many things that I love about you. There is something deeper there between you and me. There is something between you and me that only a few people ever get to expirence! I love you so much. I would do anything in my power to be with you right now. Minutes without you seem like hours and hours seem like days. These days are hard but in the end they are worth it. Please. I promise you its worth it. That hug after a tough month, the first kiss after two away. If you feel the same thing I feel for you then nothing can stop us. Do Not let anything stop us. I love you babe. I always will. Always and Forever. I love you in no way that I will ever be able to love another. Dont give up. I never will.
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