Well.. I told my parents.. Well actually I txted my mom.. And I told her that my Marine and I are back together.. I am so excited to have the cat out of the bag! My parents dont like my boy for some reason.. Idk.. They do not know him like I do.. And the thing is I dont expect them to ever get to know him like I do.. Becuase I am the on in the relationship.. Not them..
Some of you may be confused if you dont know me.. My Marine and I started dating November 21, 2009.. We moved things fast at first and that is not to say that I was not ready.. But it is to say that they are not ready to let go.. They treat me like I am a child.. Making decisions for me and saying what I can or can not do.. I am tired of being treated like a 5 year old.. So during these past 9 months they have looked past how happy he has made me and all the good he has done.. He has made me the happiest person in the world..
But anyways.. We broke up a few weeks ago and ever since then they have been all like "do not go back.. he isn't right.. he isn't good.." its like OMG SHUT UP! IM A BIG GIRL HERE! I KNOW WHAT IS GOOD FOR ME AND I KNOW WHAT ISNT.. SO LET ME MAKE MY DECISIONS BY MYSELF! You dont know him.. Don't judge him for a few mistakes we have made.. No one is perfect.. No one.. Not even me.. Can fit into their cookie cutter mold of a person.. UGH! I am sure that I will vent on here more times..
But anyways.. I am happy.. I am completely IN LOVE with trent and that is all that matters.. If I am happy then I am happy..
So my words of wisdom for the day.. If you cant accept me when I make decisions that you don't like.. Then you don't deserve to share in my happiness.. Or.. If you arent happy with my decisions.. BITE YOUR TOUNG.. Cuz I am tired of making everyone else happy.. So from now on I am going to make myself happy..
Ha.. Whoever is reading this.. That is not directed at you.. Its directed at people in my life who try to make my business theirs.. :)
Love you all!